If you're feeling sinister

Luego de zamparme una deliciosa lasagna/lasaña extra large, decidí dedicar el resto de mi tarde a no hacer gran cosa en la oficina. Friday, you know. Entonces, me topé en Internet con una nota decididamente opinable.

Jessica, the genius?

Jessica Simpson gets catty and cozy, when she poses for next month's Vanity Fair. But does America's favorite "Newlywed" play up her role as a ditzy blonde for the cameras? In the article, Editor Krista Smith writes that Jessica may actually have an IQ up there with Albert Einstein. In fact, Jessica's mom says her daughter's IQ is in the 160s. "The genius IQ is from Tina Simpson," Smith revealed. "I do think the ditziness is played up a bit on MTV. I think it's edited in a very clever way."